Glass Defect Detection:
quality control with the help of technology

Quality control of insulated glazing becomes even more precise thanks to the synergy between man and technology. Glass Inspector is the new machine which became operational in Brombal at the end of 2019. Before the whole process was entrusted to the careful eyes of a technician, now thanks to the Glass Inspection System, the technician’s careful evaluation is improved with the help of the innovative scanner.
The insulated glass units enter the Glass Inspector which, after having washed it and dried it, proceeds to scan it with a system of high-resolution cameras which intercept and identify every minimum flaw.

Thanks to the software, the technician can examine the results directly on the computer monitor which displays a precise mapping of all the points that appear different in the technological eyes of the machine.
These points can be of a different colour based on the seriousness and size of the defect (for example, green for within policy, red for outside policy). Thus, besides accelerating the inspection process, the technology guarantees a foolproof exam. Therefore, the quality control manager personally inspects the unit and evaluates, through his experience, if the defects detected are within the sales policy or not.

For example, it verifies if the defect is simply a mark which can be eliminated with further cleaning or if the imperfections are unacceptable. “Among the traits of this machine is the registration of all the data regarding the control of the insulated glass unit: by aiming the reader on the barcode before the scan, all the information is automatically stored on the software, on the order file”, Andrea Cairati, purchasing manager in Brombal explained. He continued, “Moreover, the machine controls the position of the muntin on the glass so as to guarantee the correspondence of the duplex with the window for an excellent aesthetic result”.
Not only: “this machine is able to automatically control both double chamber and triple chamber glass up to a size of 5 metres by 3 metres in height and with a thickness of 85 mm”. With this investment Brombal has increased both the quality of life at work and its efficiency thus ensuring high-quality standards for their luxury doors and windows.

To learn more about our production and control systems, visit Production Page. Contact us for custom, thermally broken Steel and Brass windows and doors by Brombal.