Pietro Brombal: “Next year we are celebrating half a century of craftsmanship history”

“Windows are openings, a means of communication to get to know other cultures by crossing barriers. If you were to ask me if there was something better than windows, I would say doors which allow us not only to relate with each other but also to let people in on our lives”.
This is what Don Frank of Dembergh Construction had to say. Frank is one of the American builders who participated in the Brombal Experience, a week-long tour to discover the Italian excellence that Brombal represents with its luxury metal windows and door.

A tour dedicated to “Made in Italy” products, to take in Italian style while admiring the artistic wonders that inspire creativity: in Florence, but also Modena and Venice; a tour of a centre of excellence like the Cantine Antinori, the dairy farms where Grana Padano is produced, the cellars of the prestigious balsamic vinegar and Pagani Car; and finally, in Altivole, the centre of craftsmanship where every Brombal door and window is manufactured.

A tourist route aimed at understanding Brombal’s thought process, its background and modus operandi. A tour in which architects, builders and dealers were accompanied by an amazing trio from Brombal, the Hospitality Manager, Matteo Gobbo Trioli with Alessandra Rossi and Michela Meneghetti.

“The most beautiful thing were the relationships that formed during this tour”, said Dave Behan, CEO of Brombal USA during the fun barbecue at the end of the tour at the Altivole pool house. “Our goal was to introduce you to Italian excellence: passion is necessary to reach quality. The first thing we noticed was Brombal’s passion, which motivates us to work hard every day”.

Pietro Brombal, who worked for years as a blacksmith before founding the company, focused on the added value of the experience: “next year we are celebrating half a century of business. We have always worked with steel and brass, two beautiful fine metals, which are very hard to forge. This experience has allowed us to acquire important expertise and skills, our authentic added value.

My sons, Leonardo and Pierpaolo, have introduced innovations, but we reached the next level thanks to the people who work here and the many artisans with years of experience in the field of metalworking.”

“Our work will always be craftsmanship work. That is why our doors and windows are like hand-made, luxury cars”. “Outstanding” was the word used by our guests to describe the quality level of our Brombal products and the hospitality during the tour, which required months of preparation.

There was live singing, toasts made with Italian wine and dancing. In all this, Brombal’s steel windows and doors proved to be a way of opening new channels and creative paths in the name of originality and excellence.

To learn more about the excellence of Brombal luxury windows and doors, visit our Projects Page. Contact us for made in Italy Steel and Brass windows and doors by Brombal.