How did your company experience the quarantine period? Have you stopped? Have you maintained contact with customers, and how? And what have you done with your collaborators?
Brombal, like most of the companies in the area, experienced a brief moment of production “stoppage” due to Covid-19, even if in fact it never closed. The offices continued to carry out their activities in smart working mode, thus guaranteeing the customer the continuity of the service offered.
Our market, which is almost exclusively international, already involves a mainly digital relationship, therefore the piece that was missing in this period of “closure of borders” was the “live” technical confrontation between clients and Brombal engineers around the same table.
The atmosphere noted in the moment of serious global health situation was mainly of concern; to reassure our customers we have adopted specific procedures, intensifying communications, updating them regularly with regard to the development of ongoing projects and ensuring the continuity of the production rate.Indeed, we have guaranteed an increase in productivity of almost 20%, to reassure them on the deadlines.

What is the market scenario you are facing today?
The current market is sending signals of uncertainty due to the virus hitting different areas of the world from time to time with the consequent lockdown of the affected market.
The willingness to spend may fail when the perceived insecurity is strong, but the target market we address allows us to maintain a constant rate of requests for commissions, as it is not so negatively affected by the general situation.

Super EcoBonus 110%: what expectations do you place in this incentive? Is the discount on the invoice a benefit or a problem?
The EcoBonus110% will not be a benefit that we will use as our company exports all its products abroad. I hope that this new government measure will benefit all other activities that will benefit from it. I hope that every good action in support of the economy is studied and structured adaptation for the purpose of regrowth.

Among the sectors you served, which worries you the most when thinking about recovery and which do you feel most optimistic about?
Surely the construction sector can be considered among those “highly critical” but when it comes to luxury everything changes: a niche that can change over time but never disappear. The optimism lies in focusing on product quality and that the world responds with courage and resourcefulness.

What is the attitude of the final consumer towards the purchase of doors and windows today? Do you think there will be a real home upgrade?
The awareness of “the home” is increasing as a place where well-being and design coincide with the client’s needs.
The window, ever a great protagonist of home design, becomes a product as intended as functional furniture: through certain technical characteristics, the required performance increases, such as special openings, energy saving or home automation; in this way architects and designers can give shape to their “freedom to create” aiming at performance and well-being. We are more aware of living our homes in safety and comfort than ever before.

Trade fairs: what attitude does your company have towards these events? Do you plan to visit them as usual in the future?
Most of the Fairs have currently been moved or suspended, as have the many international travels of our customers who visited us and who were our primary marketing source. When the time comes and we start talking again about the reopening of borders, we will evaluate what to do from time to time, giving priority to the health and safety standards forall of us.

What are your forecasts between now and the end of the year? Will it be possible to recover part of the turnover?
Making predictions in a difficult and uncertain time like this is daring. Our orders develop over a longer period of time than other realities. Only from next year will we be able to assess how much Covid-19 will have affected our turnover, which to date has not yet felt the shock of the crisis.


Colfert Magazine N°35

a concret vision of management - interview with Pierpaolo Brombal - photo 1 - Cofert